Filming Crew Hiring

Working on a film set is a team effort and that is what makes our job so beautiful, exciting and rewarding. Due to the high travel costs, hiring a film crew locally may be a good solution for you.

Thanks to the word-class film schools (especially the famous one in Łódź), Poland is well-known for the excellent and flexible crews. Hire them and your shoot will go smoothly and without any issues or interruptions!

Filming crew hire

I have been working with a proven and experienced team for years, adapting them to the needs of the specific tasks. They are English speaking masters of their crafts, always waiting for the challenges!

DOPs, APs, ACs/Focus Pullers, Sound Mixers, Drone Pilots, Make Up Artists, Drivers, Runners – you name them and I will make sure they are on the set. Hiring a film crew in Poland will make your shoot easy!